
Practitioner-Led Mental Health Workshops for Businesses, Community Groups, and Organizations

The Healing Collective offers a variety of workshops led by our psychotherapists. Workshops can be personalized, but here is an example of a one hour workshop format for a workplace:


Managing Stress and Anxiety through Covid-19

How is stress and anxiety showing up in my life? (psychoeducation around signs and symptoms)

  • Normalizing the abnormal – what we are feeling is completely normal (we are all experiencing a collective trauma right now)

  • Strategies to manage stress and anxiety

    • Distress Tolerance

    • Grounding/Soothing

    • Noticing, naming, normalizing

    • Acceptance & Commitment

    • Self-Compassion

  • Wrap-up

    • Where can we get support? 

    • We are not alone – this is a collective experience and requires a collective response

    • Discuss any next steps you as an individual, or collectively as a workplace may wish to take.


      Please contact us at for more information or to connect to a practitioner regarding a workshop.



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